Youth In Government

New Prague High School's delegation at the 2025 Youth-In-Government Conference took place January 9th-12th at the MN State Capitol.

Awards and recognitions include:
New Prague Supreme Court Lawyer teams earned 2 of the 4 spots selected for the
Final Showcase. Teams were Gabe Podratz/Myles Tietz and Isaiah Podrtatz/Connor
The Court of Appeals lawyer team of Daniel Little and Craig Deuth was also
selected for the final showcase.
We earned 2 purple ribbons which are given to delegates who exemplify the core
values of YIG. Carter Melander for his growth and Daniel Little/Craig Deuth team
earned the second.
Student bills passed all the way through the entire process and were signed by the
Youth Governor! Congratulations to Sophie Hongerholt, Cooper Christiansen and
Megan Schellin.
Best Written Bill Award- Vinny Zhang

Conference Leadership Roles: Megan Schellin (Committee Chair), Amelia Deuth
(Presiding Justice of Supreme Court), Jordyn Mensing (Presiding Justice of the
Supreme Court), Jacob Bisek (Chair of National Issues Forum), Carson Sayler
(Director of YIG Media Team)

Overall our Lawyer teams went 21 -2- 0 for Cases won from their oral arguments.
We had two Lobbyists which is an appointed position- Lexie Luxmore and Maddie

As Media Director, Carson Sayler appeared on WCCO radio for an
interview on Friday morning. 

Servant Leader Award- Jacob Bisek. This award is the highest award.
Only 2 were given out at the Conference out of 1,500 students!