
Welcome NPHS Seniors
This scholarship page is designed to provide you with as many scholarship opportunities as possible. As you begin your search, please keep in mind that each scholarship application has different criteria. Please read the instructions carefully as the Guidance office is no longer accepting paper applications. You will either need to fill out an online application or mail your application to the specific destination as required.
To ensure a thorough scholarship search during your senior year, there are a few other steps and tips you should keep in mind. Begin by logging into MCIS with your account login and password. Then, navigate to "Education" and click on "Financial Aid Sort." Follow these specific guidelines and best of luck in your scholarship search!
2024 Scholarships Applications
The below online application form includes the following scholarship opportunities!
Without Specific Field/Trade: Ed & Marietta Sharkey, Judy C. Dohm Memorial, Kopp Scholarship, NPAEF, Steele Waseca Cooporation Electric, New Prague Chamber of Commerce, New Prague Firemen's Relief Association, New Prague Rotary, Wornson Goggins P.C., Paul Holasek, Paul Flick Memorial.
Trades: Apple Auto, Braith Auto, Chart, Hertaus Flooring, Minnesota Millwork,  Palmer Welcome Automotive, Dick Lucas Memorial, Scott Equipment, ASI.
Agriculture: Scott County Pork Producers
Education: Frances Schoenbauer Merwin Memorial, Pat Beckius Memorial Foundation
Healthcare: Frances Schoenbauer Merwin Memorial, Mike & Kay Wilcox Scholarship
Graphic Design: ID Threadz
Athletics: Matt Shetka Award, Matt Shetka Gymnastics Memorial Award, Golf Scholarship
Conservation/DNR: New Prague Sportsman's Club
Accounting: Valley Accounting
New Prague Area Education Foundation Scholarship(s) - Due 3/24/24 - CLOSED
Law Enforcement
608 Scholarship - Due 04/28/2024
The Jameson House Scholarship - Due 03/24/2024 - CLOSED
Public Service Organizations
Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative - Due 02/01/2024
First Bank & Trust - Due 03/28/2024
Elko, New Market Fire Relief Association - Due 03/24/2024 -  CLOSED
Elko, New Market Fire Relief Association Legacy - Due 03/24/2024 - CLOSED
Seneca  - Due 04/01/2024
Service Organizations
Tri Lakes Sportsmen's Club - Due 03/24/2024 - CLOSED
Lonsdale Lions - Due 03/30/2024 - CLOSED
Veseli Area Lions Club - Due 03/24/2024 - CLOSED
Knights of Columbus - Due 03/24/2024 - CLOSED
Lonsdale SnoWizards - Due 03/24/2024 - CLOSED
N.E.W. Lions Club (New Market, Elko, Webster) - Due 03/24/2024 - CLOSED
Fine Arts & Music
Generation Theatre Company - Due 03/24/2024 - CLOSED
Arts Scholarship - The O'Neill Brothers - Due 03/24/2024 - CLOSED
John Kottke Memorial - Due 03/24/2024 - CLOSED
Jeff Gravon Memorial - Due 03/24/2024 - CLOSED